Serving San Joaquin County

What do I need to get started in Aquatic Therapy & Wellness?

Who can benefit from warm water therapy?

Which insurances will you accept?

Which insurances will you reject?

What are the benefits to warm water exercise?

As a medically surpervised facility, everyone is required to have a prescription to participate.  In order to meet the requirements, simply request that your physician complete the following prescription and/or referral form.

 Referral Form 

Most anyone with diagnosed health issues can benefit from a structured warm water exercise program or skilled aquatic physical therapy. Talk to your physician to see which program is right for you. If you are living with any of the following, a warm water program will help: arthritis, chronic fatigue/pain, de-conditioned, fibromyalgia, obesity, swelling, back/neck/hip/knee/shoulder conditions, Parkinson's or stroke, pre/post surgery, or work injury.

If your insurance will help to cover the cost of therapy, they will usually cover the skilled physical therapy, not the wellness classes. It is possible, however very rare that they will cover the group wellness classes. The insurances that we accept are partial pay with approval of insurance, private pay, veteran's administration, worker's compensation, and low income (under $1,000.00 a month) scholarship program with proof of income. (Only for the assessment and the first 3 months of wellness classes) 

The insurances that we do not accept are HMO's, Medi-Cal, Medicare (however, we are in the final stages of acceptance), and PPO's must be checked and possibly can be accepted

There are many benefits to our warm water programs. Some of them include augmented peripheral circulation, decreased pain, increased balance, body awareness, cardiovascular endurance and flexibility, normalization of muscle tone, reduced anxiety and stress, overall conditioning, weight loss, and core strengthening.